CS521 - Technological Foundations of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (Spring 2025)

Students enrolled in this class are expected to check this web page regularly. Complete lecture notes will be posted here.

This class will be taught on Wednesdays on the main UIUC campus, and on Fridays at the UIUC center in Chicago. Students are welcome to attend both in person if they can/want, but they can also attend the class online at the following Zoom link:


Lecture Recordings

We will record the lectures and post the links here:

Jan 22 Jan 24 Jan 29 (forgot to push “record”; never let me not do it, please!) Jan 31 Feb 5 Feb 7 Feb 12 Feb 14 (forgot to push “record” again) Feb 19

Course Description

This class will introduce the fundamental concepts that underlie the emerging blockchain and cryptocurrency technology. Starting with basic concepts such as how to calculate hashes, sign transactions, and authenticate signatures, the course will then dive into consensus protocols, verifiable computing and zero-knowledge cryptography, blockchain languages and virtual machines, as well we various incentivization mechanisms for actors in decentralized networks to operate honestly. The students taking this class will also be asked to read papers and blogs and discuss these topics in class, including potentially controversial topics which are of interest to the growing blockchain community.

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of math, to understand how and why a distributed protocol works, how a hash function is computed, and how a program is executed and produces a proof of its execution.

Lecture Notes, Useful Material

The links below provide you with useful material for this class, including complete lecture notes. These materials will be added by need.

If you are a student taking this class or in the process ot taking it (clearing it with the academic office), you must access the document below. If you don’t have access already, please ask for access and I will grant it to you.

Presentations and Projects

Slack channel