Abstract. Here is a list of open problems and challenges that I (Grigore Rosu) am interested in solving, in no particular order. While we are doing our best to keep this list actual, it may well be the case that some of the problems have been solved in the meanwhile or that we have found a different way to approach them. In case you are interested in working on any of these problems, please send me a note at grosu@illinois.edu to make sure that the problem is still actual and nobody is already working on it. The reason I decided to create and maintain this list of challenges is not only that it helps me keep track of them, but more importantly, that is also helps my students understand these topics better and put things at their place in the big picture. There are more problems here than one person can finish in a life-time. If you choose to work on a problem and believe that I can help, please let me know and we may work together on it. If you are a student in my FSL group, then you are actually expected to work together with me, and possibly other students, on one or more of these problems.